Crimson CHAIR
Quick little update on the Multi-Loader as I have seen many people losing access to their accounts. When you use your key it will get tied to your account with your User ID (not username) and the key won't be valid anymore logically as it is used. Once you are logged in go to Accounts tab and copy your User ID and save it somewhere you do not lose it. If you delete the launcher and redownload it, you will ONLY be able to log back in with your User ID and not the license anymore. If you lost access to your account they won't be replaced anymore, as this warning was given.
How to Inject
Please, before injecting, always restart your computer, as the injection process becomes safer. (Optional)
Remember that when injecting, you cannot have anything related to Valorant open, such as the Riot Client or the game!
Make sure there is no other anti-cheat running on your computer, such as Faceit. If there is, uninstall it.
As soon as you receive your key after your purchase you need to register then select option sign up to register, if you already have an account then log in, after you have logged into your account select the cheat you want which in this case is Valorant EXTERNAL.
Remember that the game must remain closed until the loader asks to open the game !
As soon as the game is selected your mouse/keyboard will stop working and after the loader completes the necessary steps your mouse/keyboard will start working normally again, after that open the new loader that was downloaded and log in again.
Once you have already logged into your account, wait for the loader to ask you to open the game, when it asks you just open the game and wait for it to do the necessary steps for a quick and safe injection, after that just enjoy the game !
Any issues? please create a ticket and ping on of our staff members for help.
Valorant EXTERNAL usage
This tab is especially for those who want to know how to use Valorant full without receiving any type of suspension, thus reaching the highest ranks in valorant.
Aim Assistance
-> Aimbot
The aimbot basically assists your aim, making you play much better. Once you see an enemy and press the aimbot activation key, it will control your weapon recoil and aim exactly where you want it to.
( Remember valorant has AI to identify aimbots -> However, the aimbot can indeed be safer than ESP in higher ranks )
-> Recoil Control System (RCS)
RCS is nothing more than an aid in controlling the recoil of your weapon. As long as you keep the aimbot activation key pressed, rcs will precisely control your recoil without any effort on your part.
-> Nearest Bone
This feature will make the aimbot as humanized as possible. Instead of always aiming for the head even when you're aiming at the chest, it will aim where your crosshair is. So, if you're aiming at the chest, the aimbot will only aim for the chest, following your aim.
-> Field of View (FOV)
The FOV represents the field of view of your aimbot. If your FOV is set to 10 and the enemy is within this FOV, the aimbot will work by aiming at the enemy. However, if the enemy is outside the aimbot FOV, it will not work.
-> TriggerBot
The trigger basically shoots as soon as it detects an enemy passing through your crosshair.
-> Only shoot once
This function causes the trigger to only fire the first time an enemy pass through your crosshair, thus functioning once per activation.
-> Trigger Delay
The delay is the response time for the trigger to shoot once your enemy passes through your crosshair. (Remember, the trigger responds in milliseconds.)
Last updated
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